The first document accessible to the public produced by the FURN5.0 project is “D2.1 - Cross sectorial Desk Research on Industry 5.0 in EU manufacturing”, a comprehensive report about the state of art of the transition to industry 5.0 model in the manufacturing sector in Europe.

The report, developed with the support of an external expert in technology and industrial innovation and cross-fertilization, aims at identifying the level of development of Industry 5.0 in the European manufacturing industry from a cross-sectoral perspective, by reconstructing the level of progress, the R&D and application scenarios of Industry 5.0 in different sectors (mainly automotive, robotics, logistics, textiles) to identify opportunities, critical issues and impact on industry and workers.

The research supports the identification of topics of greatest relevance to the furniture sector, thus directing the development of the subsequent field research, a massive survey implemented at a European level aimed at companies in the sector to measure their maturity and level of readiness to deploy industry 5.0 production model. 

The document will also inspire the content of the FURN5.0 Guide directed to furniture companies.

The research is available in the FURN5.0 website, in the download section: